Comment 2142

By jason (registered) | Posted November 15, 2006 at 09:20:33

you're right Olga. That frustrates me too....and I hate to say it, but our media plays the role in fearmonger. We've reported many times on RTH about a bar fight at Barton and Sherman being called 'downtown'. Yet they'll refer to Hess Village or Locke Street as 'West End'. Now this sad story out of Stoney Creek - and the far reaches of Stoney Creek now that I've looked it up on a map site - is called 'East Hamilton'. It re-inforces the wrong perception you mention. That East Hamilton is some dangerous hole. Nothing could be further from the truth. I don't live in the east end (I'm even more brave - I'm raising kids downtown!!! yikes!!) but have many friends who have recently bought their first homes in the east end and they love it. Hamilton is about as safe as a big city gets from Dundas to Stoney Creek to the far Mountain.

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