Comment 212

By jason (registered) | Posted None at

hey folks...good discussion here. a couple thoughts from me. 1. 'possibly ill fated real estate ventures'? there are only 3 units left in the Annex lofts on Rebecca (a friend of mine who just moved here from Alberta really likes the city and is going to buy one of them). There are only 2 units left in the Core Lofts. The bottom 9 floors of Chateau Royale are almost filled and they are now releasing the upper floors (final phase). The Margaret St lofts have been filled since they opened along with the Allenby and Stone Lofts. Developers wouldn't build more of this stuff if it was 'ill fated'. A $300,000 loan on a 5 million dollar project doesn't fill their pockets with gobs of money. 2. I've spoken with the manager of Jackson Sq. and they do great business during the day. There are 40,000 jobs downtown but many of those folks leave and downtown feels less busy after 6pm. having more folks living right on our main arteries - King, James etc...along with the physical changes these projects will bring to formerly empty buildings and empty parking lots will start to change people's perception of downtown. It's not that these next 2,000 residents are somehow our saviour, but is one more good step in the right direction. Cheers Jason

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