Comment 20447

By realcity (anonymous) | Posted March 28, 2008 at 22:54:26

just a guy.... this is the point of the article.... THERE IS NO CONSPIRACY.... It's the fact of Peak Oil and supply and demand. The reason why oil prices have risen so much is because oil production (ie the easily available extractable oil in the earth) can't keep up with the demand. This isn't a case of a baker just producing more bread for a larger demand. This is a case of a baker not having enough raw ingredients available for purchase to produce enough bread for the demand.

What is happening now has nothing to do with capitalism. But has everything to do with a depletion of reserves. No amount of demand and price increase will produce more oil in the earth.

To that end.... we are fcked when it comes to producing cheap oil, so that we can drive around endlessly in the suburbs we've created, shopping for Transformers and Miley Cyrus posters.

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