Comment 2010

By citizen (registered) | Posted November 11, 2006 at 00:12:20

I was at the ward 1 all candidates meeting and must agree that Brian was the clear winner. He always looked interested and alert, answered questions clearly and concisely with details about what he has already been doing and aims to do in the future.

I must admit that I have some sympathy to Spencer's views, but to say he is gaffe prone is a bit of an understatement.

I must note that Spencer and Brian seemed to get along quite well during the debate.

About Mr Tony. When I could understand what he was saying I was shocked by his views. Developing Cootes Paradise? Give me a break. If anything we should be spending money to clean up and re-habilitating the RBG trails that have fallen into disrepair over the years.

Also this isn't directed to just Mr Tony, but many candidates at the debate seemed to think that you can take a student house and turn it back into a family home in a snap. There is no such thing as a cheap house in Westdale and most if not all student houses would need a major investment of capital to bring them back up to "snuff". In fact many "family" homes in Westdale require major updating of all their electrical, plumbing, windows, etc.

I know of one family who bought a house in Westdale from a Professor who had let a HOLE develope in the roof.

It's sad to say that it's so Hamilton/Canadian to bitch and whine about McMaster as a major cause of problems in our city, when it is in fact one of the best things we have going.

It would be nice if the -30 year old crowd would get out, vote and make our voices known so that the old and cantankerous individuals with far too much time on their hands would stop driving public policy and debate to the extent that they do.

One can only imagine that a significant reason why McMaster is looking at a Burlington campus is to get away from a mouth that constantly bites each time it's being fed.

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