Comment 2003

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted November 10, 2006 at 19:18:29

"Whether we like it or not, there will be vehicles travelling into the city to and from work for a long time to come. "

Frank, This is true, however the real problem is that the main corridors as more than access "into the city". They are highways that happen to run THROUGH the city. In fact I look at them more along the lines of access out of the city. It is like we are rushing everyone away from Hamilton as fast as we can. I think the occasional traffic jam in the core would be a good sign of a thriving city (until people learn that driving may not be the best way to get around downtown). As it stands, I can drive between Stoney Creek and Westdale faster through downtown in rushour than via the skyway/403. Hamilton should not be a short cut.

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