Comment 1976

By Locke (registered) | Posted November 10, 2006 at 09:58:34

The difference between Brian and the other contenders was clearest in Brian's knowledge of the issues and the detailed specifics of what his actions have been and the course he would continue. One might say, Brian was a 'Grounded Realist' while the others were on the side of 'Lofty Angels' when it came down to how people would tackle the issues.

Honestly, the biggest disappointment to me was a tendency to beat up on McMaster and the students. Both Fred Spencer and Brian were willing to say Mac is economically important to Hamilton and Ward 1 but acknowledge the problems very fast growth has caused. Only Brian was able to point to what is being done and knowledgeably suggest a path for solving housing issues in the area.

As Jason said, Brian was the clear winner.

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