Comment 1955

By jason (registered) | Posted November 08, 2006 at 22:23:37

I'm with you....I attend meetings in Strathcona and he is always there. He responds to neighbourhood issues and has a great handle on the ward. If he gets beat by Tony, it would only take people about 6 months to realize what a mistake was made....we'd have to go back to being unimportant citizens like many folks in other wards.

Personally, I think he'll win. The big issues in the ward have been dealt with brilliantly by him - most notably having Main St designated for high rise student buildings in order to give single homes in Westdale back to families. He's Hamilton's best councilor in my opinion. Heck, my wife doesn't really follow politics like I do, but even she can't believe how good of a job Brian has done.

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