Comment 19506

By Driver1 (anonymous) | Posted March 01, 2008 at 21:57:14

Your opinion on trucks is flawed as you tend to identify drunks with trucks. Drunks are all over not just in trucks. It's not the truck's fault a drunk is driving!

Also, I have over 30 years of professional driving and believe you don't have any imperical evidence to back up your arguments.

I do agree that trucks may cause lots of injuries in accidents but NOT usually to those in the truck if they are properly belted- etc.. In fact, with the numerous drivers from third world countries passing the driving test after a short period of time being here it makes a good argument for driving a truck as it affords more protection. Survival of the fittest is not only a jungle rule it is the rule of survival everyplace.

Unfortunately, the price of gas will drive us out of our trucks eventually but someone will complain about those who drive battery cars because they are unsafe for bicycle riders.


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