Comment 1947

By Locke (registered) | Posted November 08, 2006 at 16:44:35

Thanks for the feedback so far.

I chose in my letter not to focus on any bias in Dreschel's column. Instead I felt compelled to point out we've had a ton of community input and attention while Brian has been our Councillor in Ward 1. To suggest otherwise is misrepresenting the facts. When discussing this with my nine year old son he wisely noted, "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."

Regarding Dreschel's column: I think Brian ably handled himself on the charge he has been MIA and deftly defended the necessity to work on broader city issues through Brian's words which Dreschel was balanced enough to include in his column.

I enjoy Dreschel's writing for the craft of it, though I might have to stop combining reading with my coffee as it is hard on my heart. However, if I had taken issue with the column itself, my concern would be more that story wasn't just about a 'real race developing', but more a portrayal of David and Goliath with the quaintly common man surprising the smugly overconfident and out of touch ivory tower dreamer. Some of the balance provided by positive comments about Brian were, quite frankly, a little backhanded.

So far the reaction to my letter has been one where all sorts of people -- even people with Greco signs, not just those of us with a Smoked Salmon in the freezer -- have responded by saying that the attack on Brian was unfounded and unfair. The quote appears to be backfiring.

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