Comment 19440

By towngownguy (anonymous) | Posted February 29, 2008 at 17:56:12

I have been doing some research into this topic, and have come up with the following concerns/comments.

1. There seems to have been little done in the way of consultation with other key medical caregivers in the community. The recent letter to the editor in the Spectator from the Chair of the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians points out that there is no clear agreement with the underlying justifications for this restructuring. As a resident, I would feel more comfortable if the experts in the health field were all on side with this idea.

2. There is a large and growing senior’s population in Dundas as a number of new condo developments have been constructed. This growing demographic will be asked to travel further for their emergency needs.

3. I have seen no mention by the students association of the loss of an on-campus emergency department for its students. Currently, the on - campus emergency first response team (EFRT) transfers students needing attention directly to the Mac emergency department, in many cases travelling with them on Mac campus vehicles. This service will no longer be available, and as a result many more emergency vehicles will be visiting campus to shuttle students from campus. It may be worthwhile to look at how many visits to the McMaster emergency department are made by students.

I am not comfortable with how the information has been presented so far. The official releases from the HHS have a large amount of spin to them, and the lack of unanimous agreement from key health provider groups makes me very nervous.

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