Comment 19368

By transitory (anonymous) | Posted February 28, 2008 at 05:50:29

McMaster is insulated from Westdale, as Westdale is insulated from the rest of the city. Seeing as how they're running out of room for new buildings, I doubt the school is interested in selling off its green space to developers, and I'm pretty sure that local residents would be up in arms over the rise of traffic (not to mention buildings taller than three storeys). New initiatives hold more promise, but not much more. Innovation Park and the proposed Burlington campus look to be isolated enough as to be effectively walled off from broad civic interaction. Just don't call the "strategically located" Burlington site (nine acres on South Service Road) inaccessible: "With its high level of visibility, ease of access and close proximity to needed hotels and other businesses, this site uniquely meets the University's needs."(

To be fair, Mohawk College (a campus sandwiched between a private school and a former psychiatric hospital) is probably no better.

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