Comment 19261

By Gump (anonymous) | Posted February 25, 2008 at 09:45:39

Ok, ok, my passion for the city compels me......

Creating a false need to obtain your objectives is an old tried and true Hamilton methodolgy.

Imagine if they didn't improve Rymal and Stonechurch Rds, chopped up Limeridge, used inflated traffic projections.....hey! we need an expressway across the mountain.

Slowing down traffic to make alternative methods of transportation more attractive, in my view, is deceitful and provocative. We have to, as a society, change our culture regarding transportation, and each of us have to come to that conclusion individually. I'm not saying we can't help others along the way, but I wouldn't want it forced on me, there's enough people/organizations telling us what's best for us.

Why not be proactive (foreign term in cityhallspeak) in regards to mass transit, build it, operate it effectively, and price it MORE than competitively, make it a no brainer to choose. It wouldn't be cheap initially, it's money I'm sure city hall would say isn't available. How much is the future worth investing in? Let's try and actually put some "truth in the pudding" with regards to the city's mission statement.

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