Comment 1848

By jason (registered) | Posted October 30, 2006 at 21:48:57

ha...great comments Robot. You're bang on with your assessment of James/John South. It's like the city wanted to go two-way but not dare slow down the Mountain commuters. I have friends on St Joes...they were excited about being able to come straight out of their street to access James or James Mtn Road only to find out once the project was done that, nope, no luck. Don't waste your time suggesting proper bus routing for the HSR. Why come straight down James when you can go onto John and sit for 5 minutes all bunched up waiting to go left onto King. Yea, that makes transit attractive. Everyone wants (I'm not sure what the downtown BIA wants anymore) the buses off the Gore....have them come straight down James to Wilson, right on Wilson, right on John and back up the mountain. Is that hard?? No, and it will be quicker making right turns instead of lefts....better yet, those mountain routes should head all the way to Barton and a few should go to Pier 8 and then come back up John. Heaven forbid Mountain transit users have any chance of seeing our beautiful harbour via bus.

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