Comment 1845

By A Robot (anonymous) | Posted October 30, 2006 at 21:40:18

I think the return to two-way is great, and hope to live long enough to see the curse reversed.

King and Main have likely been delayed until they figure out the proper way of turning back time. The south halves of James and John are so half-assed it's no wonder motorists are frustrated. The old lanes are still drag strips while the new lanes are stuck behind reverse-timed lights. Why can't I turn left from James northbound onto King? Why is St Josephs westbound completely useless?

Please, Hamilton...
Fix the light timings so both directions are equal. This may require some people to maintain a lower speed. I think we'll get over it. In fact, I think the planet may just keep spinning.

Diversify the bus routes. Y-You know you can keep going down James, rather than turn right on St Joe's... ok just checking. Speaking of which, please let those poor folks living on St, Joe's go straight through, or maybe even turn left. I know there's not that many of them, but I get pissed just visiting.

While we're at it, get rid of that dumb turning lane thing on Hess before the village and allow right turns from Main. Just let us give those trees one last hug. Remember, they're going to a better place.

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