Comment 184

By Rusty (registered) - website | Posted None at

The Corporate Brand versus Mom and Pop argument is, to me at least, the same as the Maple Leaf Foods argument, or ANY evaluation we conduct for new business investment in Hamilton. Corporations that wish to do business in a town must be evaluated on their record, and the impact they are likley to have on the neighbourhood and the towns residents. Maple Leaf had a dismal environmental record, and their turnover and working conditions were not favourable. Hence the kerfuffle. Same argument goes for Starbucks or anyone else - if you can bring positive things to the community then we welcome you, but if you skimp on salaries, bring excessive car traffic/environmental pollution etc, then this will work against you. Of course it would be nice to keep business local - that way the profits are typically invested back into the community - but if an outside owned Company can bring positive impacts to the town, then they should be encouraged to come. This is one of the facets of McHatties 'Triple Bottom Line' assessment (as I understand it) for the economic development team. History has shown us that Hamilton is used to accepting 'anything' at the expense of our quality of life. We need that triple bottom line assessment to kick in for ALL our new business assessment decisions. Cheers Ben

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