Comment 18323

By Jon Dalton (anonymous) | Posted February 12, 2008 at 16:15:28

Unfortunately, that has been the primary function of the GO system - getting people in and out of Union Station most of which have to drive to the station.

Areas outside central Toronto with job growth remain inaccessible and local transit that feeds the GO stations is underused and infrequent.

Plans for the next 20 years focus on an overall transportation system beyond park and ride commuter travel.

It was the flow of workers in and out of TO that made the GO what it is today. Growth around the Toronto area proved too much for the one-person-one-car transportation system of the day and they knew they could not satisfy demand by building more lanes.

Where roads and cars fell short, trains took over. This happened first in the main corridors into Toronto in rush hour, and it will happen for regional travel in general. The Lakeshore East and West lines are already served every hour, from 4:30 am to midnight, in both directions. All GO rail lines will eventually have this level of service.

This doesn't mean no more parking at Oakville. It means space-efficient parking structures and perhaps the end to free parking, while giving people a chance to live somewhere where they can walk to catch the train. It might mean the end of FREE parking at Oakville.

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