Comment 18122

By Suburban Resident (anonymous) | Posted February 08, 2008 at 04:05:45

I couldn't disagree with you more. To me, the big box retailer has become a symbol of the new suburban, middle-class lifestyle. When I picture heavy urbanized areas (outside a central business district) such as downtown Hamilton, I picture run down old mom and pop shops. What I find great about these retailers is that they are clean, well kept, and have reasonable prices. I prefer not to pay to park, and lastly, these retail parks aren't infringing on our suburban homes. They are a safe distance away, but close enough to be convenient, and there is still plenty of room for green space and what not in Ancaster. I'm a Dundas resident and have almost never shopped in downtown Dundas because there is almost nothing there of use to me (not to mention you have to pay to park in a lot of places. I guess it’s a preference thing though.. and I hope this didn’t turn into a “me, the corporate cheerleader vs. you, the corporate basher” I just really don’t see a problem with them, on the contrary, I prefer them.

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