Comment 18031

By highwater (registered) | Posted February 05, 2008 at 21:10:56

Hi Macstudent,

The University has tried to paint this as the residents being a bunch of nimbys who don't want nasty trucks disturbing their peace. In fact, Mac was relying on an outdated route that was never designed to be a legal truck route, as it passes by two elementary schools and through a busy commercial area on streets too narrow to accomodate heavy trucks. It is Mac's poor transportation planning, and not the city who is to blame for this. Yes, pedestrians on campus are entitled to safety, as are pedestrians on the surrounding streets, many of whom are students also. Mac has reached capacity on the Westdale campus. The fact that they cannot accommodate their growth without relying on illegal truck routes and endangering pedestrians both on and off campus should be cause for some serious soul-searching on the part of the administration. Unfortunately their actions have shown that they would rather throw their weight around and try to make the city and residents look like the bad guys. Their posturing about student safety on campus rings rather hollow when it is clear that they have no regard for their students once they set foot off campus. Your quarrel is with the University, not the city. It is their poorly planned growth that is causing the problem, and it is their responsibilty to solve it without resorting to breaking municipal bylaws.

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