Comment 17313

By Maggie Hughes (anonymous) | Posted January 19, 2008 at 15:27:04

To balance, I would suggest that you go and listen to the actual debate, several times - before you suggest I am distorting words.

As for Bill. S.... so you do listen to the show. If you think I am so off track - why do you listen?

As you say you have "tried" to educate me or "straighten" me out... I don't even know who you are. I only know one "Bill" and he doesn't use a computer, so just who are you ? Let's actually meet sometime.

In fact I don't remember "anyone" trying to tell me my views are out to lunch.

As far as leaning left, in this city that "is" balance. I would be very pleased to air the debate once again, or more than once for those that like to dismiss what they don't agree with.

The show is called "the Other Side" for a reason.

By the way, I wonder where either of you actually heard the debate in the first place? Would it be even discussed if the show did not run it?

As far as my views being distorted, at least I am in good company. The majority of the shows feature some of the best minds on NAFTA and climate change. Including the Canadian government.

Instead of attacking me, try listening to the guests on the show and at least have the courage and maturity to identify yourself while your busy slagging an opinion you don't agree with.

Since I am struggling with MS, there are some shows that aren't as wonderful as others, but at least I am trying to look at life from a different perspective, and attempting to find alternative voices.

What are either of you doing to educate yourself?

I would be more than happy to meet either one of you, if you can find the actual courage to identify yourselves... instead of hiding behind blog names.

Call the station, leave a contact number and your real names.


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