Comment 17272

By brodiec (registered) | Posted January 18, 2008 at 14:10:23

I think there is huge opportunity to be innovative here. How about bringing back the drive-up, develop good quality self-serve coffee and other innovative systems that provide people convenience while still addressing the environment?

A lot of this issue seems squarely targeted at Tim Hortons, as it should be, because they are in this dubious position of being locally successful in a difficult industry with lots of foreign competition. But on their current position of "we're just providing what customers want" is stodgy and does not bode well for the future. For instance McDonald's is providing leather couches, WiFi and soon decent quality espresso drinks! No joke, I've had them before in France and they are surprisingly good for the money. With changing tastes, lifestyles and upcomming environmental legislation at the municipal level I really hope we can look at Tim Hortons as our Boys to lead the way rather than holding out on the status-quo. Not just as far as drive-thrus but in an overall sense.

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