Comment 17114

By noseyparker (anonymous) | Posted January 12, 2008 at 10:18:25

I too love Starbucks, and I'm thrilled they're opening on Locke St. I think it will only be positive for everyone. Bring on the competition I say! The bagel shop specializes in bagels and I've learned to like their coffee, plus they're often jammed packed on weekends. I think they will only benefit. I've tried the Bad Dog 4 times each with negative experiences. I find the women who run the place nasty and grumpy, after my 4th time I decided they are not getting my money. The number one rule in having a small business is you have to have a friendly personality if you're front line with customers - that's what really sells a place. They needed to take some life skills or anger mgmt. courses or (I think maybe they have?) sell the business. I don't care how good the product is, if I get treated poorly after checking it out a couple of times I will never return and I tell everyone I know!
Plus, I believe Starbucks pays more than minimum wage and offers a benefits package.
I also like Tim Horton's but I live right near Locke St. and I don't drive so my options are limited. I'm just happy with any movement on the street instead of boarded up buildings!

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