Comment 16545

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted January 02, 2008 at 13:27:00

It can be done, there just has to be a political will. Compare the construction of new rails to that of roads. Roads get all of the money and all of the attention.

Somehow we can afford to build a brand new highway through the RH valley, build raised roadways to ease congestion (Burlington St, Gardiner), dig tunnels under our cities for roads and subways, and more... but we can't figure out how to make Hamilton's downtown accessible by train? This is not a physical barrier, it is a mental one.

We need to rethink the way we spend on our transportation infrastructure NOW, while we still have money and energy available to do so. Based on human nature though, we will be way too far down the dead end "highway to nowhere" before we realize the errors of our ways, and no amount of backpedalling will bring back the opportunity that we have right now to improve our rail systems.

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