Comment 16450

By statius (registered) | Posted December 30, 2007 at 23:37:33

This is not uncommon in many midsized Southern Ontario cities. In both Brampton and Mississauga, the sidewalks along major thoroughfares were not cleared a whole week after the snowfall. I doubt if there were many complaints. Such cities do not hold themselves out as being genuine urban environments (i.e. pedestrian oriented urban environments); they are characterless, car-centred, suburban agglomerations and their infrastructure (and attendance thereto) reflects this fact. Apparently Hamilton now thinks of itself as just such an agglomeration. In reality, it's quite clear that the city has thought of itself as such for some decades now, and to that end, we really should not be surprised.

It's tragic, yes, but Hamilton simply is not the city we would like it to be. In truth it is barely a city any more at all. The only thing which remains genuinely urban about the place, perhaps, is its rampant poverty and relatively high population density in the lower city (the latter element being, quite obviously, just a reflection of the former).

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