Comment 16412

By Listen (anonymous) | Posted December 29, 2007 at 01:51:44

Listen! Is how you addressed a response to a citzen residing in your ward. Okay, that issue deals with a night club situated just down the street from your office. Sam if your going to continue to represent this ward than you need to step up to the plate and take affirmative action. You state your for the people; other than big talk what have you actually accomplished? Sam sell me on the ideal that your the best candidate. Show up for meetings you say your going to be at. Try and show compassion to someone seeking help. And dear God be graceful, starting an email response with Listen. What does that say about you? You go on to say you formulate policy and legislation, you don't enforce it. So what good is formulating anything if your not going to stand behind it. You also have written here 'my apologies for you confusion' - a typo and rude. According to this he is concerned about gun shots, where even the casings where found. Is this not public safety?

What is it going to be Sam?

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