Comment 1631

By Ally (anonymous) | Posted October 21, 2006 at 12:18:23

I loved this article...and it echoes the passion I feel for another great neighbourhood in Hamilton: Westdale. Westdale is incredibly walkable and I can do mostly everything I need to do on foot. I walk my kids to daycare, school, the library, parks & nature trails, our community garden near the Aviary, Cootes Paradise and even dance class. We shop at specialty food stores, neighbourhood delis, bakeries, a neighbourhood grocery store, and organic produce stand. As I walk to the dry-cleaner or cafe, I greet many neighbours, friends and aquaintances (particularly on sunny days!). My husband and I walk to the movie theatre and enjoy romantic dinners and 1010. We meet other neighbourhood couples at the Bean Bar for martinis and cheesecake. I buy almost all gifts for loved ones at the many shops including two great toy stores and a gourmet kitchen store. Yes, my house is smaller than the McMansions being built in Dundas and Ancaster, but our house is charming and cozy and we won't have to scale down when the kids leave the nest. We live in a true community, with caring neighbours and as I read more books on "good design", I am finally able to articulate what makes Westdale (and other neighbourhoods like it) great. But I guess we can't all have the same vision...

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