Comment 15767

By gruven (registered) | Posted December 17, 2007 at 12:55:33

As much as I think the environmental movement is totally misguided at the moment with their emphasis on apocalyptic global warming, etc. I do think this is a good idea, for a variety of reasons. For one, I'm sick and tired of driving by Tim Hortons locations and have their patrons in drive throughs obstructing traffic when I'm trying to get by. Also, locations where drive through Tim Hortons locations are shared with gas stations are especially bad, Cars lined up on to the street and in the lot to get Tim Hortons coffee, preventing me from doing what gas stations were originally designed for. That aside, Even though I don't believe in Apocalyptic global warming, I do believe Smog is a problem. And without a doubt this is a contributor.

I wouldn't miss it.

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