Comment 15660

By Frank (registered) | Posted December 13, 2007 at 15:37:21

Only have a bit of time...I'll make 2 quick comments. Don't think I'm a proponent of the overuse of vehicles. I do like my car and if transit did anything that worked to get me to the business park I work in, I'd probably take it but...they don't. Jason, buses also cause as much damge to the road as 35-100 cars. And I forget who said we should pay for trains...we do. Check the prices of your food as gas goes up. Rail costs are lower because manufacturers pay to have their goods shipped by train (quicker) and because passenger trains use the rail lines and subsidize the cost of rail line maintenance. Quickly Ryan, there are people who are driving right now who I wouldn't want anywhere near me on a bus... They can keep their car. As far as getting peopel out of cars, it won't happen until the alternative is much more widely viable.

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