Comment 15638

By Frank (registered) | Posted December 13, 2007 at 10:26:31

Jay, here's a hint. Transit is only now somewhat viable. Previously it was a small spider network of unavailable, inconsistent and unreliable buses and stops. As transit becomes a more common use of transportation it should be subsidized by overall taxes but I don't think either should be 100% funded by the general population. User pay for roads is impractical especially on city roads. Perhaps on the majors coming into town but with the amount of traffic using the roads, tolling them, unless it's done in a manner like the 407, would be incredible backwards. Proper representation should be used.

Also remember that despite you not using the road personally, all the goods that you purchase while you ride the bus as well as the bus itself use the roadway to get to their destination and as such even though you use the transit system, you are also using the road network.

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