Comment 14565

By Humanist (anonymous) | Posted November 26, 2007 at 13:21:06

Well, if I had known about it I would have. The doctor's review and leftist penchant don't do her justice then.
I have just bought her book, but although we might agree with some issues, I doubt I'll be able to stomach the leftist exaggerations she is bound to espouse.
You have got to admit that the political left is a waste of time. From the Rae government, the near left, to the Cuban fiasco, the rear (as in rump) left, to the Russian debacle, the far (as in far out of touch) left, we have nothing but poor examples to show for these experimentations.
Locally we have leftist reps in the city, the province and the federal parliament. What have they done other than to rail at everything and tilt at all kinds of windmills. Only the center and the benevolent right get things done. If I'm wrong, please show me.

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