Comment 13740

By Rusty (registered) - website | Posted November 06, 2007 at 15:28:01

To bias's comments,

I would like to know what the strategy session that McHattie missed out on was (and why he skipped it!). As some have alluded to here, I suspect it was a bullshit excercise but that's an assumption at this point.

Although it is a key responsibility of every councilor to attend to their citizens concerns directly, it is equally important for them to understand and contribute to city planning initiatives as a whole. I suspect this may be why McHattie skipped the session, because many folks either don't 'get' effective city planning or they don't want to get it, and thus there is no point planning a strategy under these constraints.

But I'd like to know. Because part of the problem in Hamilton City Council - at least this is how it seems to me - is that many councilors spend most of their time attending to their constituents needs and not enough time trying to understand how to grow the city as a whole. Getting a community center or Stop sign approved for their ward is the only barameter by which some councilors seem to measure their success.

Sam Merulla is a classic example of this in Hamilton, Rob Ford in TO - both these councilors are well-known for being very attentive and effective at dealing with constituent complaints, but both have a somewhat flaky understanding of how a city should grow.


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