Comment 13732

By bias (anonymous) | Posted November 05, 2007 at 20:39:00

Speaking of columns that makes your eyes roll, this site is becoming a little predictable. Whether you are a Dreschel fan or not, wouldn't you agree McHattie should have invested the time to be part of the city's strategic planning? The guy leading it does sound like a goof, but I know I'd still like all city councillors to be there to decide where they want this city to go.
This session was organized after all by the mayor, who you all seem to love on this website. Perhaps your own bias is affecting your take on this column I gotta say. I'm a big McHattie fan, but think he may a bad call on this one. If the mayor, instead of Dreschel, criticized McHattie for his absence, would you feel different? I suspect so. I'd take this site a lot more seriously if you didn't create idols who can do no about acknowledging that all the councillors have good and bad points to different degrees.

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