Comment 13095

By Genghis (anonymous) | Posted October 19, 2007 at 20:08:53

Well well. A CBC /Angus Ried Poll indicates a 70%++ Afghans give high approvals to the mission in Afghanistan as well as how they feel life is compapared now to life under the Taliban.. even with all the bad news the MSM and leftists like to portray as normal.Sampled from all parts of the country and heavily weighted in Kandahar.Women and young girls able to be educated, commerce, rebuilding under the "occupation" as some like to refer to it is going better than reported by CNN and the CBC
Afghanis want us to stay to help them.Will the left's hatred of all things Western force them into abandoning the poorest and most vulnerable of Afghanistan?
What can they rail against next that flies in the face of reality?

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