Comment 12792

By Frank (registered) | Posted October 12, 2007 at 10:11:00

Hey guys...I understand that people didn't know enough about it. But living a democracy we have to take some responsibility to educate ourselves as well. I got the pamphlet in the mail, I read it. I also looked it up online. Government shouldn't have to hand feed people on things. If you go to buy a car, you rarely get a complete look at the car whether it's good or bad without doing your own research including looking at reviews and plain old asking people. Why are people so lazy and always first to blame someone else? Perhaps the part of the responsibility is the governments but I'm sorry, 80% of ppl not knowing there was a referendum? Where do they live? It's been all over the radio, in the papers, even in your own mailbox. Time for people to get their heads out of their own you-know-whats and educate themselves instead of waiting to be fed handouts. I also believe that the reason we have a liberal government is for that same reason. Barely anyone educated themselves on the real issues and voted basically the same as last time... Another four years of fun my friends. Hopefully Andrea Horwath and Tim Hudak and the other Hamilton MPPs can speak loud enough to be heard over the something like 28 MPPs that TO has. Our government, regardless of party, has to be held accountable and looking forward, hopefully we do that. Unfortunately, we just taught politicians that they can lie to us and take our money, give it to their friends and we approve of it.

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