Comment 12753

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted October 11, 2007 at 16:03:54

"we were given the power to change the system yesterday and didn't take it"

Yes, but a huge reason we didn't take the opportunity is because the majority of us didn't understand the options, and many didn't even know there was a second ballot at all, resulting in a lot of votes cast for "the first option on the page" as many of my colleagues have called it. Even the informed among us tended to be confused by it due to a lack of information.

One has to wonder why the options weren't presented more thoroughly? Why was the media focus mainly on the funding of churchy-schools? Is that really that big an issue? Why wasn't MMP in the spotlight at all? Why did nobody know about it except the hardcore political citizens? Could it be because the big guys who had our attention did not want to mention it too loudly for fear of rocking the boat that they all share? The only people who mentioned it were the "fringe" parties that the majority of voters don't give a shit about.

Not to mention, the people who would want MMP the most -- those citizens so disgusted by the current system that they don't even bother showing up to the polls -- didn't get their views represented because the referendum was tacked on pretty quietly to "just another pointless provincial election".

What a mess.

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