Comment 12752

By Brandon (registered) | Posted October 11, 2007 at 16:00:28


We were "given the power to change it" in the sense that the choice was there, but how many people really knew about it? Were there any news stories explaining the differences between them? I sure as hell didn't see any.

I saw an editorial in the Globe explaining why it was bad (something about minority governments and smaller parties having a voice) but that was about it.

If the Liberals were serious about educating people, there would have been a lot more information out there. There could have been a banner of some sort at each booth explaining what the advantages of each are or something like that.

Call me a cynic, but when the party in power stands to lose the ability to have a majority government when they've only got 40% of the vote, pardon me for thinking they'll take their time about it.

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