Comment 12744

By rusty (registered) - website | Posted October 11, 2007 at 11:30:58

I did! She just wasn't interested! :)

I could prattle on at this point about Canadian's political apathy. In fact, I think I will!

In the UK there is much more debate and interest in politics. The agenda for debate is similar to N America where the media dictates what we talk about but still, there is at least some effort to tie what we read in the paper to what is at the forefront of people's minds.

In many cases, the media will 'create' stories by undertaking investigative journalism or sensationalising an issue which would not otherwise be newsworthy (I mean come on - we talk about poverty being an issue but what's newsworthy about it? Where's the story?). In this way the public get to respond to what they see in the media and start discussing issues which actually matter.

I find Canadian media, with the exception of the CBC to some extent (still a pale comparison of the BBC) to be very very lazy. When is the last time they uncovered a story? Journalism is very 2 dimensional in Canada. Editors just sit around and wait for politicians to screw things up and then send in the hounds. It's no wonder the Liberals played it safe. As a strategy - waiting for your opponent to screw things up and then keeping the spotlight on their mistake when they do - it's pretty effective.

OK, rant over!

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