Comment 12483

By brodiec (registered) | Posted October 05, 2007 at 13:34:48

I know collaboration is already happening amongst citizens. This town is a primed and ready canvas; in fact there are parts of a beautiful town still showing in the picture. We're just coming back, filling in the blanks and expanding the picture. Fred is completely right in saying that collaboration is the way through. Let's do that instead of having some groups rip off a piece of the picture, paint something ugly but profitable and sell it as soon as possible (see: Aerotropolis). Respect, listening, education and collaboration… for a town with so many intelligent and passionate people it’s a wonder we didn’t get here years ago.

But I think we also have to not kid ourselves about the outcomes of a better city. Even if the citizens of Hamilton and our Mayor are completely successful in turning our downtown back into the bustling people-friendly place it has been before there will still be problems. The poor and middle class could and will be gentrified out of their homes. Big developers will start pissing off the nimbys with sometimes garish condo towers. Transit will be required to perform and expand year to year, rather than propose outlandish faire hikes and harebrained preconceived rider-ship shrink. People will suffer and that is progress the way it always has and always will be.

And I’d rather experience that and see how well we can do it. Or we can all sit in an empty parking lot on Cannon, listen to the traffic whiz by and maintain the status quo.

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