Comment 12471

By tim jacobs (registered) | Posted October 05, 2007 at 11:59:10

What a terrific interview!

The best part for me: "The Mayor believes our strategy should focus on three facets: the transition to an information based economy, an urban renaissance through downtown and the waterfront, and modern transportation infrastructure."

Hamilton is already transforming its economy to a knowledge-based one. The 'industry' that employs the most in Hamilton? Health! Hamilton is a leading Health city in the nation and is attracting more and more health professionals all the time.

I also took heart from Mayor Fred's comments about car cultures. In Kelowna, where I currently live, the city is mired in a horrible car culture. A tiny city that is plagued with traffic congestion, collisions, and rudeness.

People don't realize it, but car cultures promote the decay of community. Everyone tends to live far apart, road rage increases, and legitimate contact between people is reduced to nothing. Isolation, selfishness, and ignorance prevail.

Let's not let this happen to such a nicely laid out and dense zone as Hamilton's downtown.

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