Comment 124031

By Haveacow (registered) | Posted October 23, 2018 at 07:57:47

What's particularly interesting about London's rapid transit process (something I mention in part 2 of my Ottawa article, coming soon) is that, the University of Western Ontario's governing council was one of the strongest anti-LRT voices (openly hostile of BRT as well). Where as both the governing bodies of Wilfred Laurier University and the University of Waterloo were falling all over each other, especially during the Transit EA process, to make sure what became the Ion LRT Line had stations connected to their respective school properties. Not just a connection but easily accessible connections to their respective campuses.

In Vancouver, the Millennium Skytrain line is being extended in 2 phases. Phase 1 is a 5.7 km tunnel underneath a major east-west street known as Broadway to the Arbutus intersection. This 6 station tunnel is a mind blowing $2.83 Billion and likely to climb well above $3 Billion before construction starts. What's important is that, phase 2 of this project is a 7.8 km extension further west to the UBC campus. The expected cost of phase 2 is around $3.6-$4.5 Billion. Even though the cost is extreme and the ridership really doesn't require a tunnel or maybe because of these conditions, UBC is trying to kick in hundreds of millions in it's own money, to bring phase 2 closer to reality sooner! I wonder what the governing body of Western would think about that!

Comment edited by Haveacow on 2018-10-23 08:18:02

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