Comment 123997

By Bkwerm88 (registered) | Posted October 18, 2018 at 12:55:43

The problem is that a lot of people don't research who's running and just vote for the slogan on the candidate's sign or website. There are A LOT of people against the LRT for a variety of reasons. Personally, I think it would be ludicrous to cancel this project now but I can see it happening. I'm really worried. I think there's a good chance Vince Sgro will be elected Mayor and there are more than a few Councillor candidates who are also promoting anti-LRT platforms. In my riding, we have about 10 people running and only one of them is pro-LRT.

You may think a one issue platform shouldn't win an election but my gut says, it just might and that is a sad, sad thing for Hamilton.

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