Comment 123787

By GWW (registered) | Posted September 23, 2018 at 08:20:01

As the headline on the video clip implies, 1,000,000 bottles of water a minute, or over 1.4 Billion a day. This is a lot a people voting everyday for bottled water. When traveling in some countries I fill my own water bottle every day travelling, but in some third world destinations, unfortunately you are encouraged to use bottled water, because of issues of tap water. Back home, we never buy bottled water from the grocery store, but sometimes you are out and want something to eat at a fast food place, and don't want a coffee or soft drink, you're served bottled water, we try to reduce usage, but there is a convenience factor to consider. As an occasional customer, you are paying for the convenience, packaging, and distribution costs, the water is actually incidental in the cost structure. Ideally the water used in convenience sized packaging would be municipal tap water from Toronto or Hamilton, but perceptions concerning spring water, or wells can attract purchasers.

Water, as implied in the story, is a basic human right. The issue is how to distribute water to people on a convenient basis. This becomes an issue when people are not at home, when they are traveling or are out and need water, unfortunately bottled water, whether in plastic containers or glass bottles is the most convenient mechanism for distribution. At the same time Aquifers need to be protected from materially dropping, and packaging recycling or reuse needs to be addressed.

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