Comment 122188

By VivSaunders (registered) | Posted November 28, 2017 at 08:18:30

Well said! In regards to keeping up with the Joneses, you might want to relook at Burlingon. I seem to recall that their Planning Committee holds Public meetings when a development application is received so that residents can voice their opinions within the 30 day period on the application & make requests of Committee what studies they feel are warranted before the application is deemed complete. In Hamilton, the public is left off the circulation list of "Relevant Consultation" at that initial stage. The public only gets to comment after the app is deemed complete but even then, what I find bothersome, is that those comments/questions aren't replied to. They are simply forwarded to the applicant to help support the development (build a stronger presentation to handle any possible objections) with no reciprocal consultation that is respectful of the public.

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