Comment 122017

By sparrowswain (anonymous) | Posted October 10, 2017 at 08:52:32 in reply to Comment 122016

For many residents, notification has remained important. My neighbours have been shocked to learn about this happening and didn't like that they didn't have a lot of notice to process it. Some people have lived in this community for multiple decades - this is a big change. Also, with advance notice it gives people from the community a chance to attend things like the Design Review Panel and to delegate to the Planning Committee (and other committees) in advance of decisions being made should there be concerns that have been overlooked or not considered. In its present format, the process allows for information gathering but not for enough time to read it/process it before demolition/construction are underway. In every planning process there are a lot of moving parts and the feedback gathered from residents needs to be valued as much as the plans put forward by developers. People in communities appreciate being consulted and, even if they don't have expertise, their knowledge about the neighbourhood, its use, and their lived experiences are important (and should be considered long before any potential "minor variance" stage). Would a third-party role help with this? Maybe, but I don't have one in mind at this point. I think that starting with a better notification process is one important first step.

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