Comment 122004

By kevinlove (registered) | Posted October 06, 2017 at 23:44:57

I see that general admission was $12. I would be quite peeved to pay that kind of money to hear someone bloviate about his pet topic that has nothing to do with what I paid good money to hear. It is the responsibility of whoever is running this kind of event to keep the speakers on topic.

Because there is a lot that can be said about aging and mobility. My own take is to look at The Netherlands, where one quarter of all the trips taken by people over the age of 65 years are taken on bicycles. Even people over the age of 75 take an average of over two trips per week by bicycle.

Here is a description and video of 8-80 cycling in The Netherlands:

And a video of a local government consulting elderly people about how to improve their cycling safety:

When is the last time an event like this happened in Hamilton?

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