Comment 121997

By VivSaunders (registered) | Posted October 06, 2017 at 09:05:54

Very well said Maureen! And for the record, both of them have blocked me as well. In neither case was the subject matter LRT nor did I use profanity. Judi for posting about the urban/rural divide for Fire Levies (ie residents on Parkside Drive who live across the street from the fire station paying the lower rural rates). Terry for, ... well I'm not sure. He said he's been advised to not engage in conversation with citizens that are party to a litigation (ie election campaign finances issue)even if the subject matter is completely different. Yet, we do communicate via email on other matters of public interest and following an elected representative doesn't obligate them to converse. As you pointed out, blocking is restricting public access to information & stifling civil debate. This practice should be concerning to all.

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