Comment 121676

By KevinLove (registered) | Posted July 03, 2017 at 19:50:37

Godwin's (unnamed) legal counsel wrote:

the number of bedrooms, and thus the number of residents occupying the Properties, would remain largely unchanged.

Kevin's comment: I'll call BS on this one. No matter how many people are living in a unit, there is a certain minimum infrastructure required. For example, every unit has to have a bathroom and a kitchen and plumbing for them. This is true for a family of five people living in a four-bedroom unit or a single person living in a one-bedroom.

Obviously it is more efficient and results in higher density when five people are sharing the same infrastructure. In other words, I predict that the existing structure has a higher density than will be the case if the proposed change were to be made.

Comment edited by KevinLove on 2017-07-03 19:51:09

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