Comment 121504

By VivSaunders (registered) | Posted May 11, 2017 at 07:31:32

How ironic that this article would appear just after I finished reading my Councillor's Community Update in the SC News. Maria Pearson's update in the SC News, for those that don't know, is her ONLY form of communication with constituents. No meetings are held, no website, no eblasts and no mail outs. And what does she choose to write about this week? A reminder to owners of vacant buildings that they can get 30% rebate and the process to apply! Why am I angry about this? Because she choose to write about a benefit to vacant property owners, which we know is a harmful program instead of letting her constituents know about the compassionate grant program for the recent floodings. I advised Maria that there are at least 8 of my neighbours who were affected on April 20th. She's chosen to be the gatekeeper of this grant and is not returning calls from those affected leaving them in the dark as to the process. Clearly, our Ward 10 Councillor has more compassion for vacant property owners. Shameful!

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