Comment 121279

By owen (registered) | Posted April 18, 2017 at 20:36:53 in reply to Comment 121210

I look at pedestrian crosswalks, curbs and places that are expected for people to come from. I don't look above me or at sewer holes for the same reason most people don't look deep left for a bike sneaking up behind them. It's not common.

It's really not that difficult to see the issue with the design. It takes up zero extra space to put the flow-of-traffic bike lane on the right side of the road and makes far more sense.

If you're riding and turning left at a normal intersection, do you sneak up beside cars in the left hand turning lane? Probably not.

I've ridden bikes for many years and all for bike priority lanes. Just here to point out the problems with this one so it can be improved.

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