Comment 121249

By Haveacow (registered) | Posted April 16, 2017 at 22:34:39 in reply to Comment 121235

Jim, the fact that you never plan to set foot on the B-Line LRT will make me want to come down from Ottawa and ride it even more. You are a troll. I have been on the NO Hamilton LRT site and talked to many of its key supporters and to be honest, they just don't know what they are talking about and neither do you! You sound exactly like them, one mainly dumb argument after another. Jim, I work with developers all the time as an independent planning consultant and I can tell you, developers are for the most part, just regular people like you and me. They want LRT because they see it as an investment that they can get behind. Yes, they see possible profits but they also see the real chances of positive change to Hamilton. You and groups like No Hamilton LRT use half truths and change your reasons to be against LRT to suit the argument. As a group, No Hamilton LRT, is mostly (but not entirely) older people who are generally politically conservative, anti-government, anti-tax, anti-proactive progressive change of any kind, anti-environment and anti transit. They are afraid of any change that, might possibly weaken even to a minor extent, their current status, financial and or personal, regardless if it is good for the City of Hamilton or not. Being a military vet, this group reminds me a lot of my experience with the Taliban in its life outlook and beliefs regarding changes of any kind in society, minus the extreme violence and personal intimidation of course.

Ryan, I hope the LRT rally on Saturday went ok, considering the horrid weather we had in Ottawa!

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