Comment 121246

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted April 14, 2017 at 17:07:10 in reply to Comment 121245

It's 10% of the project budget ... you know, budget, as in what is actually being spent on the Eglinton cross-town LRT.

So now, you're saying that government spending can't create jobs? That anyone working for the government is is not actually contributing to the economy? That any private business selling to the government is not contributing to the economy either?

That building transit or roads or schools or hospitals or airports or anything else the government builds does not actually create jobs? Do you think the construction of terminal 1 at Pearson didn't create jobs?

That apprenticeship programs are just apprenticing for picking up garbage?

Is the LRT going to build itself?

What if a private business borrowed money to build the LRT and then operated it under contract for the City, would you think that's okay and would create jobs? What if it operated the LRT as a private business? Would they need to deduct the revenue from riders working for the government or who do business with the government from their profit?

That's about the most naive bit of right wing no-government ridiculousness I've heard in a long time.

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2017-04-14 17:10:48

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